PRAGAVA works with startups at all stages

Pragava helps startups at each stage of their product journey. From building an MVP, A/B Testing, Prototyping to Scaling their Product.

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Pragava Services to Startups

From Zero to One

Getting an idea off the ground and scaling it is a complex undertaking. PRAGAVA helps startups scale and get their product to market.

Build MVP at Pragava

PRAGAVA helps startups build MVPs. We take complete end-end responsibility of design and development helping founders focus on getting the business off the ground.

 Scale with Pragava

Scaling a startup at rapid scale is often vital to survival and growth. PRAGAVA can help rapidly scale your product/solution giving you the flexibility to resource up/down based on demand.

Research at Pragava

PRAGAVA works with startups to help design experiments and do research across the customer journey. Using model such as Hypothesis Progression Frameworks we can help startups research customers.

Design by Pragava

Design is vital to successful products. We offer startups access to design teams who can take ideas and bring them to life. This includes the complete UX journey from ideation to prototyping.